• They can be used both in foliar form and in Fertigation.
  • This range has been designed to improve fertilization and solve physiological problems of crops.


wdt_ID Product Name Composition OBS.
67 K62 PLUS 62% K2O W/V Liquid product. High concentration of K, With neutral pH. High foliar penetration. Antifreeze
65 ALGAE Nmo 33% N + 0,06% Mo + algae solution W/V Liquid product. Made with seaweed extract
66 K-PHOS 45% P2O5 + 7,5% K2O + 8,2 % MgO W/V Liquid product. High in phosphorus
64 N CONTROL 30% N (5% N UREIC + 25% N SRN) W/V Liquid product. Controlled release nitrogen


wdt_ID Product Name Composition OBS.
68 GEL 20.5.10 20% N + 5% P2O5 + 10% K2O + TE W/V NPK gel with microelements, chloride free
69 GEL 12.6.32 12% N + 6% P2O5 + 32% K2O + TE W/V NPK gel with microelements, chloride free
70 GEL 12.24.12 12% N + 24% P2O5 + 12% K2O + TE W/V NPK gel with microelements, chloride free
71 GEL 16.16.16 16% N + 16% P2O5 + 16% K2O + TE W/V NPK gel with microelements, chloride free
72 BANANO / COCOA SPECIAL 24% P2O5 + 22% K2O + 0,1% Mn edta + 0,05% Fe edta + 0,03% Zn edta + 0,03% B PK gel. To be used together with fungicides to control Panama disease and Sigatoka on banana; Witch broom in Cocoa
74 ALGAE NK 4% N + 26 K2O +3,0% MgO + TE + algae solution W/V Liquid product. Made with seaweed extract


wdt_ID Product Name Composition OBS.
68 ALGAE CoMo 5% K2O + 1,5% Co + 15% Mo + algae solution W/V Liquid product. Made with seaweed extract. High in Mn
66 ALGAE Mn 5 N + 0,6% Fe + 3,8% Mn + 0,6% Zn + algae solution W/V Liquid product. Made with seaweed extract. High in Mn
67 ALGAE Zn 2 N + 7 K2O + 0,6% Fe + 0,6% Mn + 3,9 Zn + algae solution W/V Liquid product. Made with seaweed extract. High in Mn.
69 ALGAE Micro 0,59% B + 0,30% Cu edta + 0,023% Co + 2,36% Fe edta + 1,07% Mn edta + 0,068% Mo + 0,88% Zn + 9,4% Algae solution + 2,36% Aminoacid W/V Liquid product


wdt_ID Product Name Composition OBS.
75 STOPSALT 14,3% CaO + 8% N + 21% MO Liquid product. Antisaline
74 RIPENING BRIX 41% K2O + 2,4 % Mn + 2,9 Mo + algae solution + betain W/V Liquid product. Made with seaweed extract
76 CaBzN PLUS 8% N + 2,8 K2O + 12,6 %
CaO + 1,2% B + 2,6% Zn +2,9% Amino acids + 4,2 BETAIN + 4% Organic matter W/V
Liquid product
77 Fosforic Acid 85% 85% H3PO4 (61% P2O5) W/W Liquid product


wdt_ID Product Name Composition OBS.
75 PHOSK.60 PLUS 36% P205 + 24% K2O + algae solution + amino acid + Fe + Mn + Zn + organic matter W/V Liquid product. Made with Potassium phosphite and seaweed extract
74 PHOSK.70 42% P205 + 28% K2O W/V Liquid product. Made with Potassium phosphite
76 PHOSCu 30 25,2% P205 + 5,0% Cu W/V Liquid product. Made with Copper phosphite
77 PHOSCaB 18 13,5% P205 + 4,7% Cu + 0,5 B W/V Liquid product. Made with Calcium phosphite
Get in Touch

If you want to be an INCENTIA distributor in your country, please contact us at dva.iberia@dva.com


DVA Crop Nutrition Division
Avda Moliere, 36, of 3.2
29004, Málaga – Spain

Phone: +34 951 327 613
Email: dva.iberia@dva.com